Sunday, May 9, 2010

Being Brave In Times of Hardship

Looking at imminent problems may be taxing when you know that they cannot be avoided or resolved.

Two things can be done then.
1) Completely ignore the fact and move on as though they did not exist
2) Face the fact and move on in reality

Choice one may be good in the short term, but may results in accumulated negative impact later.
Choice two is down to earth, feeling the pain upfront but growing stronger later.

Being brave takes energy.
Choice two needs a stronger amount of energy.

Being realistic reflects maturity. Shallowing pride demonstrates strength in understanding.

Failure to meet goals meant more hardwork to be factor in.
As such, failure meant delayed success.

Being brave will see results later.
Staying on track and remaining focus will be good objectives to keep one going.

Things will be brighter along the way.
There will go ups and downs, a cycling effect at play.

Just look forward and move on in times of hardship.
Select happiness and not drown yourself in sorrow.

You have a choice in life.
Being happy or sad.

Know that everyone goes through this one time or another.
Know that you are not alone.

Be brave.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Understanding Imperfection

Since our school days, we are exposed to the number 100% which represents full mark or perfect score.

It is a wonderful thing to have. Almost everyone wants it.

Looking good is also a nice thing to have.
Barbie dolls are models for young girls to emulate.

We thus grow up in a "nice" world.

What then is imperfection?
Can you accept imperfection?

Demands in work for high standard these days aligns everyone for the perfection.
A slight deviation can be picked up and be the talk of the day.

To err is human.
Does this sound familiar?

Understanding imperfection is a realistic step to understanding people.

Though we do strive for the best, we need to know that we are not perfect.
A certain amount of slack will happen one time or another.

Do you blame yourself for any hiccups?
Try not.

Understand that you are afterall human.
You will feel better having this knowledge.

The key is to try your very best, but do not expect it to be perfect always.

Hope this article can lessen the pressure of daily life, and
to understand the meaning of being perfectly imperfect.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Removing Dependancy

When we were young, we looked towards our elders for guidance.
When we were school-going, we looked at our peers and teachers for direction.
When we are working now, who do we look for?

The dependacy mindset is always within us.
We look for support. We fear. We need help.

It becomes a mental block.
Without support, we cannot progress on our own.

We lose confidence.
We cannot do without given direction.

Now the question, "Is it healthy in the long run, habouring this type of mindset"?

Can we be guiding than being guided?
I believe we can.
It all depends on which option we prefer.

Removing dependacy, removes the need to seek direction from others.
We become a thinker, a planner and a leader.

We think out new ideas.
We plan for directions to achieve the ideas (objectives).
We lead towards our ideas.

Along the way, you will discover people following you.
People will look upon you to depend themselves on.
They seek advice from you.
You become their mentor.

Do you see the change with the removal of dependacy?

You grow.
You learn and improve through contemplating.
You self-explore and experiment new initiative never done before.

You will feel a more confident you.
You will be more daring.
You will find the fun of exploration.

You self-improve.

That is life.

Make full use of your life.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sincerity Towards Others

We live in a world of ever-changing environment.
We meet different people now and then.

They exist anywhere. Be it the office, the school, the market, or even your neighbour.

Do you treat them like strangers?
Or do you welcome them into your life?

Relations are build not in one day.
To have strong bond and rappor, we need to know each other.

To break the ice, (in a fast way), we need to be sincere.

Sincere in the sense that we do not view each other with suspicious motive.
Treat them as they are, and accept them and align as we go on.

Understand that every people has their own personality, their own character and behaviour.

Being sincere opens up our defence to others.
It is mutual.
It may not be instant, but it will come.

The respect and trust for each other is an important part of human relationship.

Time will always tell if the person is really sincere or plain entertaining.

To treasure a specific relationship, practice sincerity.
It matters.

People are social beings. The sincerity will reciprocate, though maybe in another form.
But it will come. 

Happiness will also follow suit.

Have a happy sincere day ahead!
Cheers  :-D


Friday, April 16, 2010

Dwelling on the Past Instead of Future

It is very often that we look back into the past and wonder why some events happen only to us.

It is even more bitter when the events were not happy ones.

For those happenings, we tend to question the why's.
We cannot accept the fact that we are involved and not others.
We felt let down or demoralised.

But is it necessary to ask why?
Will it helps?

It may be better if we go for the "what" than the "why" for most of these instances.

What I meant is the learning part or the lesson to be picked up for those incidents.

Dwelling on the past and wondering "why" is just simply recalling the sad situation and remaining status quo.
No progress is made with such action.

Rather understand the happenings and seek the "what" to be learned.
This way improvement is made and you will be delighted with yourself for learning and experiencing life.

You will not be dragged down by the past but be boosted with new lesson learned.

Move forward after learning the lesson and strive for self-improvement.

Past is past, we have only the future to look forward to.

Cheers and ...  don't forget to feed my cheerful and happy fishes (on the left ). Thanks.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Side Effects Of Positive Thinking

Trying your best in whatever you do is an example of being positive.

Accepting new challenge or task is another example.

To be happy, one way is to help people. This is positive thinking.
But if you are helping too many people, will you still be happy and continuw to stay positive?

Moderation comes in.
Positive thinking is good if you balance your limit to it.

Overdoing and exceeding your buffer may do more harm.

If every single thing has to be accepted in the name of positive thinking, to improve or otherwise, we will go bersek.

It is counter-productive in nature if ignoring "negative" fact is deemed bad.

Information has to be reviewed and time buffer, and capability studied before going with new challenge.

It is against the objective if due to being positive, committment is agreed but cannot be fulfilled.

What then is positive thinking?
It will pull you down and makes you worried and sad.

Think twice.
Rejecting offer is good to yourself and others if you believe that you are not able to commit to the task.
It is fair to you and others too.

It even reflects maturity in your thinking.

Moderate whatever comes along and balance them with existing duties and roles.

Any thing we handle has side effects. There are always advantage and disadvantage in everything.

Be aware of this and less thing will go wrong.

Stay balance and happy ,  :-)


Friday, April 2, 2010

Is Problems Useful?

Ever heard of Problem-based learning?

It implies some usefulness in having problems.

Everyone dread problems. It irritates.
We are all human, and human tends to aim for comfort.

Problems forces us to re-evaluate our thinking and concept.

Problems disturb the norm and smooth-flowing of process.

So how do you perceive it as useful when it has so many negative impact psychologically?

There is no hard and fast rule of re-looking at problems.
They have to be felt.
They have to be experienced.

One good way is to reflect on the final outcome after encountering problems.
Do they improve your performance?
Do they change your mindset or thinking for the better?
Do they force you to be more hardworking to explore new areas?

Or do they simple demoralise you?

Balance the positive and the negative impacts they do to you.
My bet is that they improve more than wack you down!

Problems are here to stay whether we like it or not.
It will come back and "remind" you of any wrong-doings.

Probems are not brakes in life. Problems are guidelines.

They align your directions when you deviates unknowingly.
They recall you back, in a harsh way.

To reduce your anxiety towards them, see them as aids than foes.
Be aware that they improve situations.

They disturbs because we, as humans, have mental inertia.
Not that they are of no good.

Change your mindset towards problem and you will definitely see a brighter and cheerful you.

Try it, and experience it.
It wil not be immediate.
Give yourself some time over a defined period of time.
Be consistent and alert to its goodness.

Seek for the learning points in problems.
Treat them well
and you will treat yourself well.



Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tips On Improving Your Kids Studies

Teaching a kid is a tough job for any teacher or parent.

The minds of kids are fluctuating now and then, even during studying.

We can't do much about the mind unless we apply stright discipline.
This cause resentment and rebellion.
The negative impact on the freedom demoralises the kid and make studying a chore.

What is a good tip then to "wake up" and encourage the kid in their study?

The answer lies in how we get them motivated.

How do you, in the first place, what others to motivate you?
Using the answer, you can apply it onto the kids.

One way, for me, is the feel of success.

Motivation comes when you discovered that a certain task assumed to be out-of-reach can be accomplished with some effort.

The "I made it!" conclusion stimulates.

Apply this aim onto the kids.

How to go about it?

1)  Get the kids to start of simple. Some hand holding may be necessary.
2)  Guide the kids closely. Showing examples or model answers if possible. This built confidence.
3)  Let the kids pratice a few times of the same type of problems.
4)  Summarise the steps or key points.
5)  Request the kids to repeat your summarised steps.
6)  Give a test question for them to try on their own.
7)  Wait to see their SMILE.

Finally, you will be smiling with them.

Be consistent throughout the guidance.
They can read your mind if you are sincere about training them.

Kids are NOT stupid. They are sensing and testing water at times.
Show them you care. They will read you correctly.

Improving this skill and you will be having less resistance teaching your kids.

:-D   Happy tutoring.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Feeling Demoralised? Try This


Feeling down one time or another?

It is normal though.

But what have you to do when you are really off your best?

Being demoralised can happen to anyone. Nobody can escape this fact.
Therefore, understand why you are facing this situation when you are down.

Many factors can be the contributors.
One example can be lack of energy due to depletion of sleep.
It could be that someone is talking bad about you.
It could be that you are not being appreciated after all the things you have done.
The list can go on........

But you are the one who could pull yourself OUT of the slope!

If you have ran out of ideas to boost yourself up, the below is one sure way to kick yourself  UP.

Always keep something that you like to do, and that you can do it well.
Reserve this task for time when you are down.

Do the task to bring up your excitement and happy "juice".
After sometime on this task, you will find an energetic you.

This method works for me.

Hope it does to you too.

However, just remember one thing,
"If you want to be down, nobody else can pull you up. You are the best choice".

:-)   All the Best !


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Be The Solution and Not The Problem

Problems abound but solutions are rare.

This is a known fact.

Thus to ease obstacles in your daily routine, seek to find solutions.

You will feel better and happier with this mindset.

Being of use to others is a great way to being happy.

Normally people reflect problems and simply wait for the solutions to them.
What will be done?
Nothing, if there is no intention to solve the issue.

Being the solution and getting rid of hindrance will serve us a long way.

Be proactive in looking for methods or techniques to create a conducive environment for life or work.

Change of mindset takes time.
But correct attitude has to come first.
With proper attitude, the inertia to start work will be lesser.

Hence, always remember
"BE the Solution and NOT the Problem".


Friday, March 5, 2010

Proper Coverage in Learning Stages

Learning comes in many stages. Everyone knows that.

Irregardless of whether the training is the formal or informal type. The various stages are there.

One stage leads to another.

If one stage is not properly analyzed or content appropriately understood, their concepts and principles within may not see real results.

This gaps in learning will flow over to the following stages and disaster will happen.
It may not appear immediately, and may even appear in another stage.

What does this mean?

Simply put, outcomes will not be complete.
Concepts may have to be revisited again when mistakes are exposed.

Why do these gaps happen?

Many factors, as you may have guessed.

Yes, human beings are complex.
No one learning style covers all.
And no topic fits only one style.

It is a case by case issue.
Only the person learning knows what is best for himself.

Attitude towards learning is the guide.

But one crucial mistake that is rather common is the "short-cut" method.
Trying to pull a fast one to get an academic paper may be the objective.
Is it proper?
Is it a right thing to do?

When things are not covered properly to an acceptable level of understanding, flaws in execution using the newly-learned knowledge will be there.

It may have small impact, if you are lucky.
But what if the otherwise? It could be an explosion!

Learning is no small matter.
Seriousness counts.
Attitude counts.
And hardworking counts.

Trying to complete the studies in a short time and taking advantage of others is a dangerous move.
It do not strengthen the correct objectives of the learning.
It strengthens, however, the wrong things.

Be prudent.
It is our learning and our brain and mind that are affected.
This is more so when you are in self-improvement programme.
You are on your own.

Think proper.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Focusing On The Positive Aspect

Everyday do you find yourself being bombarded with new things?

Do you often feel overloaded with information?

Or are you asked to carry out tasks meaningless to you?

To stay sane and happy, there is one thing you have to do.

==> Focus on the POSITIVE side of things.

In any situation, some goodies are hidden. It is up to us to look for them.

Let me tell you a real life story of mine.

I was once asked to dismantle a number of test jigs. I felt rotten, being asked to do things not in line with the main job in the production line. I was a trainee then, and such, this is a starting point, I presumed.

I performed the given assignment.

However, as I was taking apart the panels and connectors, I found out that the test jigs were hooked up in a special way. At that moment I discovered that I have learned a new thing without a teacher.

If I had closed my mind and attitude towards the "meaningless" task given, I would be skimming through a pile of rubbish. I would not notice the good stuff.

Later, I was asked to connect up a new tester for a new product, with another technician. I applied the method I picked up while dismantling the test jigs.

And surprise, the tester that I hooked up worked!
And my counterpart didn't!

From that experience, I discovered that no matter what task you do, focus on the bright side of things as it is lurking there to be discovered by us.

Focus on the positive aspect and not dwell on the dull side.



Friday, February 5, 2010

Honesty Removes Relational Barrier

Ever wonder why some people has more friends than others?

And that you find some people easier to talk to or you are comfortable talking to?

It may not be instantaneous, but comes after some period of knowing the person.

Why is it so?

One reason lies in that the person you dealt with consistently give you reliable and honest information. The information shared is straightly frank.

Or a honest answer without the need to dig into hidden agenda.

In these days of hectic and chaotic lifestyle, having a honest answer makes you feel comfortable. You need not have to think hard. There are more things and matters requiring your attention.

I believe all these scenarios are not unfamiliar to you.

Being truthful and honest has its value.

If you practice and believe in this form of behaviour, there is high chance that people will like you.
(This makes you happy).

You will have people approaching you for advice and help. You are deemed a "friend" where they can get reliable answer.

Honesty, thus, removes relational barrier. And indirectly it makes you a channel of communication.

This outcome do let you remain clean in your thoughts and behaviour towards others. People will   move with you. They trust your feedback.

Hence to have good companion, do the correct things and automatically, good things will come for you, including people who value you.

Practice that, and you will understand what I mean.

Cheers to honesty, and self-improvement for a better future.


Friday, January 22, 2010

A Tip For Staying Happy

Have you wondered what makes you unhappy or frustrated?

If you have not, do access the situation whereby your anger starts growing or your behaviour starts going chaotic.

One such instant may be due to time shortage.

To avoid this problem, make room for emergency situation.

This emergency situation may be, like, last minute assignment, falling sick, uninvited visitors, etc.

Thus to prevent getting out of your sense, create enough time freedom in your normal schedule so that you have breathing space.

It is a simple method that requires a bit of time planning.
This technique will have good benefits and will serve you happily if you keep that in mind.

Don't get pressed into a corner. This is the break-point where you get unhappy and frustrated.

Cheers! and Happy Time Planning.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Help Comes Only When Deserved

I believe you may have encountered situations where you want to help someone but something is holding you back?

When you wanted to step in and lend a helping hand, something tells you that you should not be doing that.
You will re-look at the situation and then realise that the person you are aiming for may well be better off left alone to fence for himself. He does not deserve anyone's help!

There may be times or most of the times, this person has some negative actions that caused troubles or a drag to others.
It could be a one-way action on the part of the helper (always).
It could be a huge effort to help with a simple task.

As times goes by, people comes to realise that something is wrong.

To seek help, and to deserve help, thus, is not a simple matter.
The person deserving help has to be one deemed to be wanting to help himself first.

He has to put in the correct amount of effort first, and upon meeting obstacle, seek for help.
This practice will result in people noticing it, and then willing to help.

Before help can come, you have to work for it.
After receiving the help, show gratefulness.
If there is a chance, return the favour or help.
The favour or help may not be to the helper, it could be to others in need of similar help or the knowledge gained as a result of the help received.

Help comes and goes. It has to be circulated.
Keeping it and not sharing it, leads to others stopping the help.

Think over this.
It is just simple logic of give and be grateful.

It is a form of self-improvement.

I believe you agree.

Cheers, and Happy New Year!