Sunday, January 3, 2010

Help Comes Only When Deserved

I believe you may have encountered situations where you want to help someone but something is holding you back?

When you wanted to step in and lend a helping hand, something tells you that you should not be doing that.
You will re-look at the situation and then realise that the person you are aiming for may well be better off left alone to fence for himself. He does not deserve anyone's help!

There may be times or most of the times, this person has some negative actions that caused troubles or a drag to others.
It could be a one-way action on the part of the helper (always).
It could be a huge effort to help with a simple task.

As times goes by, people comes to realise that something is wrong.

To seek help, and to deserve help, thus, is not a simple matter.
The person deserving help has to be one deemed to be wanting to help himself first.

He has to put in the correct amount of effort first, and upon meeting obstacle, seek for help.
This practice will result in people noticing it, and then willing to help.

Before help can come, you have to work for it.
After receiving the help, show gratefulness.
If there is a chance, return the favour or help.
The favour or help may not be to the helper, it could be to others in need of similar help or the knowledge gained as a result of the help received.

Help comes and goes. It has to be circulated.
Keeping it and not sharing it, leads to others stopping the help.

Think over this.
It is just simple logic of give and be grateful.

It is a form of self-improvement.

I believe you agree.

Cheers, and Happy New Year!


Yori VT said...

Its feel great when i see someone who i have help happy. But when i dont help them, i will be sorry then.. Great article..

Yori VT

Wenny said...

You are so right! Gratitude is one of the important criteria for the Universe to work its wonders for us. Like it's always said, 'give and you shall receive'.