Monday, December 29, 2008

Worry Less or Not at all!

A short message to all,

" If things are not within your control, why worry?

If the things are within your control, rid those things to eliminate the worries."

You need a plan and strategy to get rid of those worries, one by one, if not all at one shot.

Worrying is not good for mental health as well as physical health.

It ties you down.

Identify those problem areas and selectively remove them, starting with the most troublesome ones.

With the toughest one removed, you will find it easier to continue flushing away the rest.

It is easier said than done. New ones keep coming in.

Do not despair. Have confidence and press on.
If there is a will, there is always a way.

Happy New Year!

*** :D *****


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Look for Long Term Benefits

There are always cases where you have to decide for immediate gain or a short-term sacrifice for long-term benefits.

Buying things on offer is one example.
Do you go for offer stuff that you do not need now but saves a lot (immediate gain)?
Or do you go for stuff that you need but costs more than last time?

Or do you buy package deal at a discount or one item of the package at a higher price?

This a one case of decision making that affects immediate versus long-term gain.

Is it also the same in your learning journey?

You have to, sometimes, balance the chance of having more time with your kids versus the promotion you are eyeing for since last year.

What is your long-term goal?
Is the short-term sacrifices worth the long-term ones?

Building rapport is a long-term goal for anyone. Saving time by refusing to help is an immediate failure in certain situation. It causes a glitch in the relation.

Check if rejection is the only way out. If it is so, explain the reason(s) to avoid mis-understanding.

In many cases, do decide properly what benefits and what does not. Align these to match your goals. Looking for long-term benefits is still a better and safer choice. It will last longer than any immediate gains that you can get.


Friday, December 26, 2008

Having a Cheerful Look Always

I have went to a food place recently for a meal. I noticed that some stalls were hardly being patronised while some are busy serving customers.

What was the striking difference that I observed?

The facial expression of the stall owners.

They were smiling and cheerful in their outlook.

These impressed the people scouting for food to buy.

After all, who will buy food from a groomy and dull person?
He will not be able to digest the food if he got one from the owner!

Through this observation, I believe it can be applied to other matter as well.

When we deal with our surrounding colleagues, we have to have a positive attitude to serve and respond to them happily. This creates a positive feedback and willing co-operation from them as a result.

A cheerful look at all times may be hard to maintain, but the benefits can be apparent.

If there is a choice, why choose the undesirable look and appearance?
Be happy. It's free. It spreads.

You will gain more friends or contacts too.



Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Watch What Comes Out Of The Mouth

This is not about bad breath. It is about verbal message that you send out through your mouth.

What you say reflects what you think at that instance.

If you utter nonsense, it shows that at that point in time, your mind is abnormal.

If you say beautiful words, it reflects your mood to be fine and pleasant, or maybe happy.

Thus, what comes out of your mouth is important.
It tells many thing besides the verbal message.

To gain trust, watch what your mouth says. This indirectly shows who you are, especially if you are talking to a stranger or a person you first meet.

Impression counts, not only through appearance, but also through verbal communication.

If you want to have a consistent respect from others, the words that comes out have to be consistent in meaning and behaviour too.

Therefore, do not let the mouth leaks out what you do not want others to know.

Better still, train yourself to have good thoughts and respect for others intrinsically.
In this way, what goes out through the gap of ours will be words of frank beauties.

The training to speak well and correctly is a form of self-improvement.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Reacting Versus Responding | Which is desired?

Reacting and responding?

We deal with events that happen out of the norm differently.

Do you react to events more or response to the events more?

When you react to events, you are caught unprepared. You tend to get angry, frustrated and defensive at times.

However, when you response to those events, you are expecting them, though you wish that they would not happen.

Hiccups do occur now and then. To be prepared, you need to anticipate events and plan for action when they occur. This leads you to a better emotional dealing of the abnormal situations.
You response to them.

Reacting, on the other hand, is detrimental in that you are stressed up, being lost in plan to "attack" the unexpected occurrences.

Thus, to avoid going into a tight corner, you have to prepare for contingencies, especially when critical and important events are concerned.

You may train yourself starting with minor daily events, gaining experiences along the way. Move on to bigger events, learning to manage them after having more confidence.

This skill to response to circumstances allows you to be a better person in term of managing not only your personal life and work, but also do good to people around you.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Learn To Decide At The Correct Time

Decision making is a good skill to have.

Everyone makes decisions everyday.

However making good decision (versus bad ones) needs experience.

And choosing the correct time to make decision is a decision itself.

The risk of not making a decision against making one has to be considered.

If nobody makes a decision regarding your future or direction in your job, do you stay passive?

Do you want anyone to decide your future?

Do you have the necessary information to guide you to an accurate direction?
Or let your boss decide for you, assuming that he has a better and clearer picture?

All these questions generate questions. It forces you to think and decide what next to do.

Balance the importance yourself, if you are caught in one.
However, do note the timing too.

A good decision made at an inappropriate time is as good as a bad one.

Do not despair though if you have made a wrong choice. We learn through mistake, and making an unsuitable decision is a learning experience that allow us to grow.

In short, do not forget to pick up this decision-making ability, for if you lack the skill, someone else will decide for you.

Happy deciding.
