Monday, September 22, 2008

Amount Of Effort In Life Is A Constant

In science, you learn that all energy, regardless of their forms or states, remain a constant. They transfer from one state to another. One state loses in energy level means a gain in level of another form.

In a water dam system, the water-flow energy changes to electrical energy.
In an air-con system, electrical energy becomes heat (or reduction in temperature of the surrounding air).

Energy is, thus, a constant - a well known fact.

How about translating it to our human life, specifically in learning?

It is the same. Why?

Effort put into any matter results in expansion of the knowledge base. The inputs gathered over a period of time creates experiences that you can fall back on for application when deemed fit. They prepare you for the future. The more effort you put in, the more you have the resources to handle problems.

What does this implies?
It means that early efforts in your life give you a relaxed life later on. This is due to the knowledge and skill that you have picked up along the way.
Any upgrades later on would not pose a problem since your knowledge base has a solid foundation now. You will require less effort then.

What if you did not work much in your early life to create this much needed experience base?
You still can make it, but with more effort needed to make up for the vacuum. Age does catch up with anyone, including you. Memory power may be lacking, physical attention may not be held long compared to younger days. More commitments resulting in lack of focus, etc.

Thus, the less effort put in the early years results in less relaxation and more effort later on.

Therefore, the amount of effort in life does add up to a constant. It is a matter of choosing which way you want to exercise it.

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